Xtream live webinar

Monday, October 01, 2007


Good Afternoon.........
This is exciting stuff.......the power of what we have our hands on, is almost incomprehensible. The fact that we have such a powerful product is incredible, couple that we a remarkable compensation plan, principal centered leadership equals an unparalleled opportunity to enjoy financial and time freedom.
If it's to be, it's up to me!
See you at the top!

This excerpt came for Bob Steenlage's Newsletter............

I just received this from Olia Cantrell. This is another huge endorsement for FreeLife, as Dr. OZ is very highly respected. And even though we in FreeLife know that dried Goji berries loose all of the polysaccharides when dried, but the mere mention of anything "Goji" brings many of people to our doorstep!

My mother in law just called to inform me...

On the Oprah show this morning, Dr. OZ answered a question
to a
Chicago basket ball player from the Bull's, in the audience,
about what is one of the things that he should be doing for energy.

Dr. Oz told him that "he should be taking the goji berries from
Himalayan Mountains."

For information about Himalayan goji berries juice click HERE:

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